Immigrant Son

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Secret Talks With Taliban Allies To Allow Return of Terrorist Org. To Political Process (Video)

Hekmatyar, the leader of the Hezb-i-Islami forces fighting alongside the Taliban and labelled a “terrorist organisation” by the United States, would be allowed to return to Afghanistan with immunity from prosecution…”

Afghan President Karzai Moves Elections 3-4 months up…

Could undermine election credibitlity…

Filed under: Obama, World, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

2 Responses

  1. vyrquenox says:

    I just don’t really know what I can do about this. I wish I could figure out what to do other than screaming into the dark about things. I have no real power. Wait…other than the power the constitution grants me. Even that is apparently something you have to scream and rant about to get too. Children in public schools have to scream bloody murder to get their rights, and we are losing our constitution. The word consititution generally refers to the central living force in something, the thing that keeps it alive.

  2. vyrquenox says:

    Perhaps that is another end result. If everyone I know thinks the Constitution of the United States is being thrown in the trash, then their will be no United States, and thus their will be no free world anymore. Get my meaning? It is possible this can happen. If they throw their own consitution away, then they have no life anymore past what they can steal.

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